4 min readBob Forte' and Independence DayI am just in from the lake (Lavon, near Dallas) and a great afternoon/evening of fishing, boating, skiing, tubing and eating at the...
3 min readMemorial DayOn Memorial Day, here in the good old USA, we honor and salute those who died while serving in the US Military. It originated as...
5 min readThe Dominant Mineral Estate: What Every Rancher Should KnowIt was a long, long time ago, shortly after the advent of private property, that a landowner sold the surface of his land to a gentleman...
2 min readThe Recording Statutes (Part One of Four)In highly competitive leasing situation there is a possibility that Company A and Company B each acquires a lease from the same mineral...
3 min readCurative by Affidavit: BewareIn spite of all kinds of modernization (from manual Royal typewriter with carbon paper to magic laptops that kick out leases and online...
2 min readLandman/Notary ConflictIs it proper for the field landman to act as a notary and notarize a lease (after he has just negotiated the terms, drafted the document...
3 min readNegotiate by Listening, Part 2So just how do we do it? That is, how do we negotiate by listening, or exactly how do we listen? Your first reaction is more than likely...
2 min readNegotiate by Listening, Part 1Generally, we talk too much. And even when we don’t talk too much, we want to, we just can’t get the other guy to shut up. We do this...
3 min readThe Good Side of the Oil BusinessThis is not to imply that there is a bad side of the oil business as many people would insist. This is merely to talk about the good side...