Expert Services
E&P Projects
Land Services

Robin Forte' has a complete oil and gas resume. Geologist by education, landman by practice (company and independent), negotiator by nature, oil producer since his first well was drilled, operator, expert witness, writer, educator, speaker.
Currently he is active in chasing deals (mostly oil but also involved in an Alaskan gold mine), chasing minerals, chasing missing heirs; and expert witnessing upon request. He also boats; fishes; golfs; checks out beaches in Maui, Cabo, Galveston, Clearwater, Jamaica and Antigua; supports severely wounded veterans; and is a reserve officer in the Dallas Police Department.
Once upon a time:
U.S. Air Force Fighter Pilot

Missing Heirs
Can’t find the record title owner? No conveyances of record for a hundred years and the “owner” isn’t in the record for decades? Ready to drill or already producing?
That “owner” is now probably dozens of owners and they don’t know it and you don’t know them.
We can find them.
Oil & Gas Deals
Our expertise is in getting the deal done. By that we mean getting the mineral owners located, the lease purchased, the title run and cured, the joint venture or farmout agreements negotiated and executed, and finally getting the wells drilled.
Any or all.